Wednesday 21 August 2013

They want me to drink my dead husband's bathwater

Hey! my this useless practice is still in Nigeria...ehn? as can somebody ask a fellow human being to drink the water used to
bath a dead body all to prove innocence? it's just barbaric,wicked,archaic, fact, purely devilish.

A reader sent this;
I was a happily married woman until the 25th of june 2013, when my husband collapsed and died in his office.i still remember how speechless and frozen i was when the news was broken to me, i wasn't myself for one whole week. His family and mine had a meeting and decided he will be buried on the 28th of august. Everything was already set until my mother-in-law asked for my presence in the village. i went immediately not  knowing the reason. she warmly welcomed me and said that we were having a meeting with some family elders the next day. eagerly i went for the meeting, only to be told that i had a hand in my husband's death and to prove my innocence, i must shave my head and drink the bath water of my dead husband. i went mad with anger and refused, my mother-in-law who was formerly nice suddenly turned against me and sided with the elders,demanding i must carry out the practice. please help me what do i do, how do i make them know that i did not kill my husband without shaving my head or drinking the water used to wash his dead body?
Follow: @niyidaram on twitter

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