Tuesday 3 September 2013

Late Adenike Ogungbe's Friends Write An Open Letter To Her In-Laws

Adenike Ogungbe was the CEO of Ewar Makeovers. She died in a Shagamu hospital in July from complications of childbirth. A lot of her friends and colleagues have said she will forever be missed.. Surprisingly, here is an open letter from her friends to
her in-laws.

It’s no news to every born Nigeria; home & abroad the standard processes involved in a marriage. Where there are cultural standards, there are also religious standards. In most parts of the world, either culturally or by virtue of religion when a woman marries a man she automatically adopts her husband’s family name. In exceptional cases, the couple may decide otherwise. The Ogungbe family, without doubt are Yorubas and they have proclaimed long enough to be Christians. Unfortunately, the recent events following their actions and contributions to Adenike Ogungbe’s death has proven this bunch otherwise.

In the course of our investigation, some people actually questioned and wondered if Adenike ordinarily moved in with Abidemi without formal/religious ceremony. Adenike got married to Abidemi legally and traditionally. Some of us were there to grace the occasion. Adenike was a legal, faithful, dedicated and committed wife to the Ogungbe family. In Yoruba culture, during the traditional wedding ceremony, the bride is made to sit on the laps of her newly acquired parents. This is only to confer their acceptance of the child as their own and welcome her into the family. Unfortunately, the Ogungbe family failed Adenike in this regard.

She was denied of adequate medical needs by being taken to a quack doctor in an occultic hospital in Sagamu, Ogun State.

Today, 3rd of September 2013 marks the 2nd month anniversary of Adenike’s depart and sadly up until this very moment NOT ONE single member of the entire Ogungbe family have gone to pay respect to the Kareems’ family (Adenike’s biological parents) neither have they been allowed to see the child Adenike left behind. Worst still not even Adenike’s estranged husband Bidemi has gone to see his in-laws! What a shame!

They have lost a child, a successful, young, vibrant woman for that matter. How evil could the Ogungbe’s be? We believe there is no adult or elderly person or anyone with wisdom or human conscience left in the ogungbe family, that is why we decided to write an open letter to the OGUNGBE FAMILY OF AGO – IWOYE and let them know that they’re a big shame and disgrace to the entire Yoruba culture, Christian world and human race. Shame on them!

It’s only human to pay honour to whom honour it is due. Adenike might have died as Mrs Ogungbe, it does not change the fact that she has parents and siblings who deserve to be honoured having given their daughter away in trust to this evil family that not only controlled, manipulated and purposely led her to her death.

Follow: @niyidaram on twitter

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