Friday 5 December 2014

Has Bruce Jenner Surgically Changed His Sex To A Woman?

According to, Kim Kardashian’s  ex-step father, Bruce Jenner, is officially a woman. He has now changed from the man he was and is now a woman. They claim he cut of his private part and replaced it with female genitals. That episode has already been filmed and is said to be one of the most intense scenes in the show’s history. An anonymous producer explains to MTO

 “Bruce just told everyone that he’s a woman. He went to Thailand, and had gender reassignment surgery. He’s officially a woman.” and the producer claims that it was a very emotional scene. The snitch continued, “kris [jenner] was crying because she thought that they were getting back together. The kids were crying . . . It was crazy.”
That episode is said to bring about huge ratings when the show airs in the next couple of months. Hmm. Is he doing this for the show or for himself? What do you think, guys?

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