Friday 10 April 2015

Nigeria Has Highest Number Of Out-Of-School Children In The World – Report

The 2015 Global Monitoring Report (GMR) has revealed that Nigeria has the highest number of out-of-school children in the world and the figure is still increasing since 2000.

The report with the theme “Education for All 2000-2015: Achievements and Challenges”, stated that Nigeria lacks progress in almost every EFA goal as corruption, conflict and lack of investment have resulted in Nigeria having one of the worst educational systems in the world.

The report added that the political leadership has been identified as corrupt, losing $21million of education funding over two years.

It added, “Despite Nigeria’s GNP per capita growing substantially between 1999 and 2012, investment in education remains low.”

It said that as a result, the most basic of resources for education are limited, adding that additional 220,000 primary school teachers, representing 15% of the global total, are needed.

It further revealed that the gap between the poor and the average in Nigeria has increased with the number of children from the poorest households going to primary school falling from 35% to 25% in 2013.

The report added that no country in sub-Saharan Africa has achieved the global Education for All (EFA) goals, maintaining that “an extra $22billion a year is needed.

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