Friday 8 May 2015

Nigerian Gay Activist Celebrates 11 Years of Living With HIV

Gay Nigerian activist, Bisi Alimi shared a heartfelt note on Instagram reflecting on the day he discovered his HIV status.

He wrote:

“It’s 11years today I got the news that changed my life completely. It has made me who I am. Life has thought me to turn #Shame to #Pride, #Hate to #Love, #Victimhood to #Champion. I am not perfect but “hell yes!” I am stronger now. #HIV has thought me to look positively at life and though it has not always been smooth, I am smarter now than 11years ago. Thanks to all my friends…people that can see beyond the HIV and see a work in progress and invest in me. #livingpositively #HIVpositive #lovingmylife #livingmylife.”


  1. The best way for someone to thank God is it to turn His creation's work upside down? Gay! shit happens!

  2. Waooo am astonish may God almight heal you bisi throughtly.
