Thursday, 10 September 2015

Photos: Lagosians Beat Kai Officials After They Arrested & Beat Up A Recharge Card Seller

So today on Allen Avenue, some Kai officials picked up a standing recharge card seller, beat him up and forced him into their van. On-lookers who wondered why a guy selling recharge cards without a stand should be beaten and then forced to enter their van descended on the officials and also beat them up. Sensing they can’t over power the crowd they quickly rushed into their van and drove off. Unfortunately, there was a slow one among them and he was left behind. Trust angry Lagosians who weren’t satisfied with the beatings, they descended on him the more till other onlooker’s begged for his release. An LL reader who witnessed the scene sent in the photos.

1 comment:

  1. But there is no bruise on his body! How do we know that he was beaten by mob?
