Monday, 23 November 2015

Do You Agree with This Photo?


  1. If you have nothing meaniful on this blog den jus keep quiet or pray for Mrs Allison Madueke,Cancer can be dat bad and even worse.If U have never seen a real cancer patient then be grateful, cos its not makeup.

    1. You are a big fool and that is how they deceive you with your money and go away was it after she left office that she knew she is having cancer she is hail and healthy nothing is wrong with all na drama and acting

  2. Anonymous... You are a fool... it says do you agre. Simple english. Answer yes or no

    Mumu oshi

    1. You are the ultimate mumu osi because you don't just say yes or no to something stupid. If you have ever seen a cancer patient before you know it's not something you joke with . I've watched 3 people die of cancer and I pray that you or anyone close to you will never experience it. That's what they look like after the chemotherapy that makes them loose their hair.

    2. You are the ultimate mumu osi because you don't just say yes or no to something stupid. If you have ever seen a cancer patient before you know it's not something you joke with . I've watched 3 people die of cancer and I pray that you or anyone close to you will never experience it. That's what they look like after the chemotherapy that makes them loose their hair.
