Friday 6 November 2015

Russian Plane Crash-Toddler's body is discovered 20 miles from crash site(Photos)

Ten-month-old Darina Gromova (pictured just before boarding the doomed flight) had been on holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh with her parents Tatiana, 26, and Alexei, 27, from St Petersburg when they, and 221 others, died shortly after their flight to Russia took off on Saturday.

The baby girl's body was located more than 21 miles from the main crash site, indicating that the plane may exploded earlier than aviation experts have previously thought. That has forced investigators to widen the search area - and could lead to the discovery of otherwise missed clues.

The picture of little Darina, taken by her 26-year-old mother Tatiana at a St Petersburg airport shortly before they set off for Egypt, has become a symbol of the 224 victims of the disaster.
Mrs Gromova happily dubbed her daughter 'the main passenger' as the young family set off on a hard-earned vacation to Sharm el-Sheikh.

The remains of little Darina were sent to Cairo on Thursday after being found miles from the main crash site in the Sinai Peninsula.
Her parents Tatiana and Alexei Gromov, aged 26 and 27 and pictured on their wedding day just over a year ago, have yet to be found

Russian experts say no signs of explosives have been found on the bodies of the victims of the plane crash, but a Russian aviation official said Thursday the investigation was looking into the possibility of an object stowed on board causing the disaster
'There are two versions now under consideration: something stowed inside (the plane) and a technical fault. But the airplane could not just break apart in the air - there should be some action. A rocket is unlikely as there are no signs of that,' the Russian official said.
Meanwhile, ISIS representatives have repeated its claims that the militant jihadist organisation was responsible for the crash, adding it would eventually tell the world how it carried out the attack.
Culled from Mailonline

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