Wednesday 6 January 2016

This transgender woman's transformation will leave you shocked(Photos)

A transgender woman has unveiled her shocking look after spending £52,000 on plastic surgery.According to Mirror UK, 56-year-old Fulvia Pellegrino,from Perevagno, Italy plans to spend more until she reaches 'perfection' ..

She also has the full support of her wife, Marissa. She boasts of having more than 150 lip and cheekbone fillers, four breast implants, and two rounds of liposuction. She has also spent £9000 on her bum..
She said:
“I am not happy with my ‘perfect’ body, because it is not perfect. Perfection is something else.”“It is difficult to grow up with a body which is not yours. You try to mask it in every way playing football, drinking beers, buying American 4x4s and go shooting to feel like a man. Instead you understand it is a mask and so you need to throw it away and become what you are.”
She said of her wife,
“Obviously Marisa lost if for a moment, it is not something that is easy to accept. 
“Today Marisa and I are nothing more than two sisters. We live together, we argue like two normal people but not like husband and wife.” Fulvia began her journey to a new self with hormone therapy while Marissa saw a psychologist to help her get to grips with her new reality. Fulvia's wife may have been supportive but her parents were as vehement in their opposition.

Fulvia was just fifteen years old when she first realised she was transgender. But fearful of her strict religious family, and her father who was in the clergy, Fulvia kept her feelings a secret.

She said: “I was living with my family who were very narrow minded and very religious. I never manifested my will because it was impossible with my dad. He had three sons and he wanted three sons only.My dad asked my wife to sign a paper to send me into a psychiatric institution to make me change my mind.“It was very hard, when my father passed away they didn’t let us go to the funeral because they were ashamed of us.
As a man

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