Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Chronicles of BV...

My boyfriend is a very good man , gives me everything I want , takes care of me , but he talks too much. This man can talk for 24 hours , off point pouring saliva every where in the name of argument . Especially foot ball, he will jump , scream like a village boy and make animal noise . He now extended the talking to our love making .

During love making he will talk and shout nonsense eg baby come sit down for the prick, baby I wan press the breast, baby dis your Yansh don they big, baby commot water for me make I 4ck , very irritating . His not an illiterate o, he went to school but speaks broken English like his mother tongue. He proposed last night saying , baby this your toto na me get am and I wan keep am , as he brought out the ring and slipped it into my fingers . You all needed to have seen my face , I took the ring cause I did not want him to feel bad , and the next thing was, baby open leg make we 4ck. Who says that .
I need serious advise , how do I cope with this kind of man ? His very rich and I love him but his attitude disgust me . He never listens , he can argue for Africa . Pls how do I handle this ??

Break or Makeup


  1. Replies
    1. If you are not madly in love with your man on the day he proposes to you to the point where you are blind to any and all imperfections that are glaring to everyone else then you are settling."settling" is like a wound left to fester...You might die from the wound or worse(become a living corpse)
      i can't be ignorant to the fact that it is not easy to find able/willing and available men these days but marriage is for life and an unpleasant one is like being in a minimum security prison with great extracurricular facilities- It is still a prison!

  2. Hahahahahah freeborn don laugh the laugh wey he never laugh for ages.
    My dear that ur parrot husband na mallam amech type m c fit am.
    So he wan fuck u immediately he put that bondage they call engagement ring for ur hand?hahahahahah
    better run for ur life,am sure u open your leg when he demand for it?becareful because the guy came to steal kill and destroye run as much as u can please.

    #sad indeed

  3. U will use style to tell him your like And dislike sefini.he shld b able to adjust little by little.no perfect human being my sister

  4. you love his money and not his heart ....park for one side Abeg

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. If you actually love him then stay with him and try to enjoy the dirty talks

  6. She keep repeating how rich the guy is , that tells it all , one thing you must know is that you cant have it all in this life so enjoy the money and bear the talkativeness.....

  7. This is just a trivial issue,
    that can be resolved amicably. You should let him know that you don't like the way he talks about sex in an unrefined and unsophisticated manner.

  8. I bet you like his money more than you actually love him... You ladies most times don't know what you guys really want in a man. Try your best to teach him like a son how to behave and talk, but don't ever show him sign of insults. But if can't do such a simple task. Let both him and his money ALONE!!!!

    1. 'U ladies' including your mama, sisters and daughter??? Talk with maturity

  9. you like the money, he takes care of you and give you what ever you need, ok now. There is more in marriage than the eye can see. When you say yes, you are agreeing to everlasting togetherness. If you are not proud of him in the public, if you cannot introduce him to your friends and co-workers because you feel he'll embarrass you, if you have been dating for a long time and you have not been able to change him, please let him be. It is better to say no and leave the relationship then stay to endure because of money and remain unhappy. What happens when the money suddenly disappears or do you think it is not possible? haaaa! let me tell you the truth Babe, when the money disappears you will surely leave him by then, this whole love u think u feel will turn to hatred. Another option is to talk to him lovingly about it. You guys are engaged now so tell him ur likes and dislikes and ask him to tell you his. Take him to seminars and get him books to read. Try hard and see if you can change him and then sit back and enjoy for the rest of ur life. Congratulations all the same b/c some Ladies are badly looking for a good guy and with money. Cheers!!!

  10. Nothing good comes easy

  11. i concur to what WISE MAN said
    "This is just a trivial issue,
    that can be resolved amicably. You should let him know that you don't like the way he talks about sex in an unrefined and unsophisticated manner."

  12. like for real....... my dear you dont love the guy , ur kind of person is not compatible with his kind of person. if you really love him you wont even notice all his rubbish talk, unconsciously you love the money, the way he meet your needs etc. my dear marriage go beyond all that o, it cant work for both of you, sorry about that.

  13. Lwkmd...omg...anywys shit happens...that is not the dirty talk we know............that is just so gross...pele...try and upgrade him .let him go for marriage seminars.there are posh ones

  14. lol. sorry sha. if you love him, you might be able to manage his behaviour but if you cant cope with it, please dont marry him o. you will end up resenting his love making after marriage and that wont be good. talking from experience.

  15. If he is not rich and he talks rudely,i bet u would have pushed him aside..so think deeply.

  16. U should hv say sumtin when it 1st started, I guess u were enjoying it at 1st abi? U er a woman, u should know Hw to control ur man

  17. They guys will always say rubbish when it comes to money matter abeg make una park well go hustle

  18. I once dated a guy like that years ago in university. Tall and handsome guy ( I love fine boys) the first time we had sex and he said "this your toto sweet oh" I was shocked and knew I had to break-up with him.i am not into local sex talk. If it is not in you, don't marry this guy because with the passage of time you will get to hate him whenever he speaks,plus hating yourself for not able to over look his local comments because he is a nice guy and it will be hard to change a grown man unless you want to take the risk.

  19. I bet its not him you love, its his money!
